Blog 2017-09-15 1,266 0
In summer, insect pests are the biggest headache, especially if you like camping, especially if you are injured by mosquitoes. Here’s a quick list of ways to do it.
If you want to take some mosquito repellent products, you can choose some small products that are portable. As one of insecticide spray offers, I’d like to suggest you to choose our insecticide spray.
Like many people, mosquitoes hate the smell of garlic. So when you’re ready for outdoor gear, don’t forget to put in some garlic, eat a few flaps before bed, or put a few garlic in the tent. The premise, of course, is that you can tolerate this “peculiar” taste.
An hour before bed, oral vitamin B, 2 tablets can be taken, and then it will drain out of the sweat from the sweat through the body’s physiological metabolism, releasing a smell that mosquitoes are not close to.
Warm tip: Don’t take a lot of them in the long run.
Jasmine, Milan, or rose perfume, for example, will be better for the scent of a night’s fragrance, as the mosquitoes can’t stand the scent and run away.
Do you often have this kind of feeling, in a group of people, you are always only bitten by the mosquito, and then you start complaining about their blood types for mosquitoes but have you ever thought that may be associated with your dress? In fact, dark blue or brown clothes are more attractive to mosquitoes, so summer camping should choose light outdoor sportswear.
It is not hard to see that the majority of the way to deal with the “olfactory” animals is to use “flavor”. The insecticide is certainly effective, but it also causes more or less damage to the body. Therefore, I hope that some of the harmless anti-insect methods introduced above can help the outdoor travelers.
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